The Beginnings
Project Overview
This project’s focus is creating a block programming prototype for the “Internet of Things” (embedded systems). In my past experience with teaching computer science concepts to elementary students, I used the block programming interfaces on and When first explaining to the students that they would be learning how to code, they would always have a look of confusion and boredom. Once they started their first "game", their interests in coding increased. Although the projects were formed as games for the young students, I would imagine that the same outcome would be present in collegiate students. The purpose of this is to enable those who are not well-equipped to write code, to build software with ease. The prototype would be used in the computer organization course. This course is mainly taken in a student's second year. The prototype would allow students to become more interested in the topics taught without being discouraged by the actual coding difficulties.

The project description posed two hypotheses:
1. Students perceive no difference in the authenticity of block programming versus traditional development environments for embedded systems.
2. Students perceive that the open-ended term project using an embedded system helps their learning.
Hardware/Software To Use
We will use an embedded system consisting of the "BeagleBone Black (BBB) coupled with solderless breadboards, temperature and light sensors to demonstrate input processing, and simple actuators initially using light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and progressing to motors". The stock AT&T M2X system will be used as our cloud platform. We will create a user app using AppInventor. The block programming interface will be created with Ardublock.
Next Up
Within the next coming week, my team and I will begin to identify the required programming constructs needed in our block programming prototype. With doing so, I will be learning how to use Ardublock.
Until next time!